PHY 555: Solid State Physics 1

Instructor: Marivi Fernandez-Serra, Physics B139,

Lecture Time: Mondays and Wednesdays 9:30-10:50am

Lecture room: B131

Office Hours: Mondays and Wednesdays 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm



Lecture 1: Intro and motivation
Lecture 2: Electrons in 1D Periodic Potential
  • Lecture 2 notes
  • Readings:
    • Grosso and Parravicini, Chapter I.1
    • Ashcroft and Mermin, Chapter 8
Lectures 3-4: Bravais Lattice and Reciprocal Lattice
Lecture 5: Tight Binding Band Structure I
  • Lecture 5 notes
  • Readings:
    • Grosso and Parravicini, Chapter I.4
    • Ashcroft and Mermin, Chapter 10
    • Ziman, Chapter 3
Lecture 6-7: Tight Binding Band Structure II


Homework 1 (Due 09/06/24)
Homework 2 (Due 09/20/24)